Why Should I enter?
If you think your crafted brand stories have driven business results effectively based on the SMART Objective, then this is your place to prove your mettle.
Where do I enter?
When is the deadline for entries?
Call for Entries will open on the 1st of December 2021. Find all the cut-off dates 15th January 2022.
What is the Client Letter?
A signed letter from the client for whom the work was produced, stating that they approved the work and give permission for the work to be included in the awards.
Where do I supply the credits for my entries?
Credits for ALL entries MUST be submitted when entering online.
Please note you will not be able to submit your entries until all necessary credits have been entered for your work.
If your entry is awarded and you have failed to submit your credits, your submission will not be considered.
Where do I need to send samples for my AWARD entries to?
Everything will be online. You need to self attest the pdf document that you submit.
Can I use abbreviations in the online entry system?
No. Please note, that if your entry is successful, SWARDS will use the supplied information for the Swards Evening as well as in the SWARD Annual (title, agency and client name).
How would judging happen?
All judging will be done digitally. You don’t have to send the physical entries anywhere.
Are CDs or tapes accepted for entries?
No. All audiovisual and audio files need to be uploaded online.
What is the minimum number of executions for a campaign?
Three (3).
Does AWARD refund entry fees?
AWARD does not refund entry fees. Please read carefully through the 'AWARD Call for Entries Details' before you enter your work.
In what currency are the entry fees listed and must be paid in?
US Dollars (USD).
In what format must audiovisual files (spots and overviews) be submitted?
In what format must audio files (radio) be submitted?
In what format must audio files (radio) be submitted?
.pdf (Not More than 2 pages)
If I submit a URL for a Digital entry, how long does it have to be live for?
All URLs must be live until the 30th May 2022.
When will the AWARD Finalists and Winners be announced?
A list of AWARD Finalists will be announced on the AWARD website www.unfolding.co.in/swards post judging.